
Learn to use your smartphone to create visually dynamic images like a pro. In this course, you will be introduced to the technical and creative aspects of photography using mobile phone capture technology and post-processing tools. Creative use of color, light, framing and composition will be applied to the creation of a contemporary final series of images highlighting your newly learned visual storytelling skills!

Course Syllabus

As a result of successfully completing this course, students...

Will be able to:

  • Design and capture still images using mobile phone technology.
  • Understand fundamentals of photographic capture.
  • Demonstrate a creative eye for framing and composition.
  • Apply qualities of color and light for specific outcome and effects.
  • Skillfully edit photographs on a smartphone demonstrating creative and aesthetic intent.
  • Upload, store and display images for a personal and public audience.

Will display the following attitudes/professional behaviors:

  • Meet deadlines.
  • Come prepared at all times.
  • Discuss work using specific and appropriate terminology.
  • Contribute to class discussion and critique.

Course Additional Information

Additional Fees: Occasionally a course will require additional fees. These fees cover labs, materials, equipment costs, and more.

Online Course Start and End Dates: September 4, 2024 — October 15, 2024

Course Schedule

Code Start date End date Course Type
AE 40 OLSeptember 4, 2024October 15, 2024Online

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