Motion Pictures & Television

Students learn how moving images and sound work together to tell a story. Students shoot and edit a short narrative or documentary on videotape. Cameras and editing equipment are provided.

Course Syllabus

As a result of successfully completing this course, students...

Will be able to:

  • Shoot short video clips using basic compositional techniques
  • Breakdown a basic script to create an animatic
  • Use simple lighting and camera placement techniques
  • Previsualize and storyboard a short film
  • Shoot a simple greenscreen with actors
  • Analyze and identify what makes a video go viral
  • Create a story for a short video
  • Edit a short video
  • Create a schedule to shoot a short video

Will display the following attitudes/professional behaviors:

  • Meet assigned deadlines
  • Accept and apply critiques
  • Analyze and discuss work using industry specific terminology
  • Prepare for and contribute to class discussions and critiques

Course Additional Information

*Additional Fees: Occasionally a course will require additional fees. These fees cover labs, materials, equipment costs, and more.

Virtual Onsite Course Start and End Dates: June 17, 2024 — July 27, 2024


Course Schedule

Code Start date End date Course Type
AE 90 VC2June 17, 2024July 27, 2024Online
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