Graphic Design

Students learn to think conceptually and to develop their visual communication skills through understanding the combination of image and message. They gain knowledge about the design principles of typography, layout, photography and illustration and the part they play in graphic design. Presentation skills are offered to prepare them to present their own ideas to others.

Course Syllabus

As a result of successfully completing this course, students...

Will be able to:

  • Understand graphic design at a basic level
  • Use new skills, including the execution of mock-ups and creation of presentations
  • Effectively use language and imagery to create various communication vehicles, such as packaging, posters, and corporate identities

Will display the following attitudes/ professional behaviors:

  • Competent preparation of all projects
  • Regular attendance
  • Participation in all class critiques
  • Effective presentation of ideas
  • Completion of all assignments according to established deadlines
  • Resolution of any technical difficulties that arise
  • Exhibition of courteous and respectful behavior toward instructor and fellow classmates

Course Additional Information

Estimated cost of supplies: $75

Additional Fees: Occasionally a course will require additional fees. These fees cover labs, materials, equipment costs, and more.

Online Course Start and End Dates: September 4, 2024 — October 15, 2024


Course Schedule

Code Start date End date Course Type
AE 70 OLSeptember 4, 2024October 15, 2024Online

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