Art in Architecture

This course will teach students the abstraction techniques used to derive architectural design concepts. Architectural design is an exercise in creating three-dimensional compositions for people to inhabit. Reinterpret a 2D painting as a 3D structure to imagine immersive spatial experiences. Unlock new discoveries for translating ideas. Create abstractions of the 2D painting to create architectural spaces.

Click HERE to see student work and testimonials on the School of Architecture blog.

Course Syllabus

As a result of successfully completing this course, students...

Will be able to:

  • Apply ordering principles to design spaces.
  • Incorporate natural light to create spatial experiences.
  • Communicate design ideas using physical models and sketches.
  • Use an iterative design process incorporating feedback to make revisions.
  • Contribute to creating a Studio Culture by participating in design critiques.

Will display the following attitudes/professional behaviors:

  • Meet deadlines.
  • Come prepared at all times.
  • Discuss work using specific and appropriate terminology.
  • Contribute to class discussion and critique.

Course Additional Information

*Additional Fees: Occasionally a course will require additional fees. These fees cover labs, materials, equipment costs, and more.

Virtual Onsite Course Start and End Dates: September 14, 2024 — October 12, 2024

Course Schedule

Code Start date End date Course Type
AE ARH30 VC1September 14, 2024October 12, 2024Virtual Onsite via Zoom
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